Hitachi ZX65USB-5A CLR rupsgraafmachine

Hitachi ZX65USB-5A CLR rupsgraafmachine - Machineryline
Hitachi ZX65USB-5A CLR rupsgraafmachine | Foto 1 - Machineryline
Hitachi ZX65USB-5A CLR rupsgraafmachine | Foto 2 - Machineryline
Hitachi ZX65USB-5A CLR rupsgraafmachine | Foto 3 - Machineryline
Hitachi ZX65USB-5A CLR rupsgraafmachine | Foto 4 - Machineryline
Hitachi ZX65USB-5A CLR rupsgraafmachine | Foto 5 - Machineryline
Hitachi ZX65USB-5A CLR rupsgraafmachine | Foto 6 - Machineryline
Hitachi ZX65USB-5A CLR rupsgraafmachine | Foto 7 - Machineryline
Hitachi ZX65USB-5A CLR rupsgraafmachine | Foto 8 - Machineryline
Hitachi ZX65USB-5A CLR rupsgraafmachine | Foto 9 - Machineryline
Hitachi ZX65USB-5A CLR rupsgraafmachine | Foto 10 - Machineryline
Hitachi ZX65USB-5A CLR rupsgraafmachine | Foto 11 - Machineryline
Hitachi ZX65USB-5A CLR rupsgraafmachine | Foto 12 - Machineryline
Hitachi ZX65USB-5A CLR rupsgraafmachine | Foto 13 - Machineryline
Hitachi ZX65USB-5A CLR rupsgraafmachine | Foto 14 - Machineryline
Hitachi ZX65USB-5A CLR rupsgraafmachine | Foto 15 - Machineryline
Geïnteresseerd in de advertentie?
€ 33.900
Contact opnemen met verkoper
Merk: Hitachi
Jaar: 2015-07
Eerste registratie: 2015-07-16
Werkuren: 3.600 m/u
Netto gewicht: 6.160 kg
Standplaats: België Willebroek6510 km van u
Voorraad ID-nummer verkoper: 36
Datum van invoering: 13 mrt 2025
Brandstof: diesel
Conditie: gebruikt
Aanvullende services

Overige details — Hitachi ZX65USB-5A CLR rupsgraafmachine

3600 Working Hours – Hitachi ZX65USB-5A CLR crawler excavator – Leveling blade – additional piping hammer and Rotation – year 2015 -. total 6160 kg

= More information =

Model year: 2015
Field of application: Construction
Please contact Miguel Cubas for more information

= Dealer information =

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel Laat contactgegevens zien
We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel Laat contactgegevens zien
We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel Laat contactgegevens zien
3600 Arbeitsstunden – Hitachi ZX65USB-5A CLR Raupenbagger – Nivellierschild – zusätzliche Verrohrung Hammer und Rotation – Jahr 2015 -. totaal 6160 kg

= Weitere Informationen =

Modelljahr: 2015
Verwendungszweck: Bauwesen
Wenden Sie sich an Miguel Cubas, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten.

= Firmeninformationen =

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel Laat contactgegevens zien
Modelår: 2015
Anvendelsesområde: Konstruktion

= Forhandleroplysninger =

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel Laat contactgegevens zien
We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel Laat contactgegevens zien
3600 Horas de trabajo – Hitachi ZX65USB-5A CLR excavadora sobre orugas – Hoja de nivelación – Lineas adicionales de Rotación – año 2015 -. total 6160 kg

= Más información =

Año del modelo: 2015
Ámbito de aplicación: Construcción
Póngase en contacto con Miguel Cubas para obtener más información.

= Información de la empresa =

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel Laat contactgegevens zien
We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel Laat contactgegevens zien
3600 Heures de Travail – Hitachi ZX65USB-5A CLR excavateur sur chenilles – Lame de nivellement – marteau de tuyauterie supplémentaire et Rotation – année 2015 -. total 6160 kg

= Plus d'informations =

Année du modèle: 2015
Domaine d'application: Construction
Veuillez contacter Miguel Cubas pour plus d'informations

= Information sur la société =

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel Laat contactgegevens zien
We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel Laat contactgegevens zien
We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel Laat contactgegevens zien
3600 Werkuren – Rupsgraafmachine Hitachi ZX65USB-5A CLR – Nivelleerblad – extra leidingen hamer en Rotatie – jaar 2015 – totaal 6160 kg

= Meer informatie =

Modeljaar: 2015
Toepassingsgebied: Bouw
Neem voor meer informatie contact op met Miguel Cubas

= Bedrijfsinformatie =

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel Laat contactgegevens zien
3600 ore di lavoro – Escavatore cingolato Hitachi ZX65USB-5A CLR – Lama di livellamento – martello di tubazione e rotazione supplementari – anno 2015 -.

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel Laat contactgegevens zien
We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel Laat contactgegevens zien
Rok modelu: 2015
Obszar zastosowania: Budownictwo

= Informacje o przedsiębiorstwie =

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel Laat contactgegevens zien
3600 horas de trabalho – Escavadora de lagartas Hitachi ZX65USB-5A CLR – Lâmina de nivelamento – martelo de tubagem adicional e rotação – ano 2015 -. total 6160 kg

= Mais informações =

Ano do modelo: 2015
Campo de aplicação: Construção

= Informações do concessionário =

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel Laat contactgegevens zien
We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel Laat contactgegevens zien
Модельный год: 2015
Область применения: Строительство

= Информация о дилере =

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel Laat contactgegevens zien
We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel Laat contactgegevens zien
Modellår: 2015
Omfattning: Konstruktion

= Information om företaget =

We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel Laat contactgegevens zien
We are located between Antwerp and Brussels along the A12 motorway, nearby the port of Antwerp. Opening hours: Monday till Friday continuously from 8.30 am to 19.00 pm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. Tel Laat contactgegevens zien
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