Koch CENTRONIC kantenlijmmachine

Koch CENTRONIC kantenlijmmachine
Koch CENTRONIC kantenlijmmachine
Koch CENTRONIC kantenlijmmachine foto 2
Koch CENTRONIC kantenlijmmachine foto 3
Koch CENTRONIC kantenlijmmachine foto 4
Koch CENTRONIC kantenlijmmachine foto 5
Koch CENTRONIC kantenlijmmachine foto 6
Koch CENTRONIC kantenlijmmachine foto 7
Koch CENTRONIC kantenlijmmachine foto 8
Koch CENTRONIC kantenlijmmachine foto 9
Koch CENTRONIC kantenlijmmachine foto 10
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Merk: Koch
Jaar: 2011
Standplaats: België Heule (Kortrijk)6451 km van u
Voorraad ID-nummer verkoper: 5211
Datum van invoering: gisteren
Vermogen: 9 kW
Frequentie: 50 Hz
Volt: 400
Conditie: gebruikt
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Overige details — Koch CENTRONIC kantenlijmmachine

Machine number: A1104/8018
Material: hard woods/soft woods
distance horizontal drill above table (Z): max. 40 mm
Operating system Windows XP Professional: english
Gluing and doweling station with 1 dowel unit dowel-12 mm dowel length 80 mm dowel projection: ½ dowel length. Variable dowel projection (Y-axis)
High pressure glue pump ratio 18: 1 glue viscosity up to 7000 mPas
Machine designed for machining solid wood doors with frame and raised panels
Workpiece dimensions Length 150 - 3000 mm Width 40 - 300 mm Thickness 20 - 60 mm
Machine equiped with 2 working areas
3 NC-axes X
telephone modem
1 sawing unit
1 horizontal boring unit
fixed workpiece table
CE package
max. workpiece length 2.400 mm
KOCH Numeric with 3 NC-axes
Positioning control with PC
Pentium CPU
15” Touchpanel
VGA + Touchscreen by means of LVDS connection
USB-connection on PC and on Touchpanel
Seriel and parallel interface on the PC
Hard disk 2,5“
Input of machine commands and motor control through the Touchpanel
PS2 connection for external keyboard
Office PC software
Stretched machine bas for max. workpiece width 3000 mm Workpiece clamping system for horizontal drilling
Fixed workpiece fences 90° 2 pcs
Front stops Automatically receding
Sawing station 1 motor 2,8 kW 2.800 rpm
Quick change system for saw blade clamping
1 HM-saw blade 450 x 30 mm
1 motor brake
Routing unit
1 vertical routing unit 5 kW (at 12.000 rpm)
Frequency control 6.000 – 12.000 rpm
Tooling diameter 200 mm
1 motor brake
Second routing unit
Working CCW
Routing motor max. 9 kW
Max. tooling weight 6 kg incl. tool holder (balanced G 2,5 / ISO 1940)
Pneumatic clamp for Y axis 4 pcs
Horizontal boring station 1 boring unit 2 kW
2.800 rpm
frequency controlled drill holing cleaning with compressed air
Drilling head model D-1242 with 1 spindle
Drill guide for 12 mm drills
Frequency changer for drill head Max. 6.000 rpm
Dowel tollerances Dowel length +/- 1 mm Dowel diameter +0,1 / -0,2 mm Step up for dowel filling
Electronic glue control ELC
Central extraction
with pneumatically controled valves
Waste transport conveyor
Barcode reader incl. software
On line connection
Device for length wise operation (software included)
Wirerless barcode reader
Working field for alternating crosswise operation
2nd safety curtain (router heads ar not stopped whilst moving in stand by position)
Connection data
Electrical 400 V
50 Hz
3 ph voltage deviation max. + 6 % bis - 10 %
Compressed air 7 bar
Extraction speed min. 30 m/sec
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Prijs op aanvraag
Frequentie 50 Hz Volt 380
België, Heule (Kortrijk)
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Frequentie 50 Hz Volt 220
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Frequentie 50 Hz Volt 400
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Frequentie 50 Hz Volt 380
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